>>7280660Rise of Cobra actually interrupted the 25th line, so comic packs and other stuff was put on hold or rushed out (see Cobra Island pack).
And that wait for Ross mentality really didn't hit until the Pursuit of Cobra line, and that's mostly because of Pursuit of Cobra vehicles showing up at Ross.
And why was that at Ross? Because of Hasbro delaying the Pursuit of Cobra line to retool it so that they wouldn't have to pay licensing fees to Paramount, as it was originally supposed to be part of the movie line.
So stores didn't want to stock up on the the line until fall, whereas Ross and the like started during late spring. This was one of the rare cases where Ross wasn't just getting left overs, but new stock. It was around this time that Ross actually carried brand new toys for Christmas too.
Anyway, yeah, that wait for Ross shit did fuck it up, but it was mostly just Retaliation that made Target, Walmart, KMart, etc, ditch the line altogether. The line could have continued despite a few collectors not wanting to buy it when it's new.