>>9148349>Don't Care-Racing Altria (the fact that I saw her on $50 once but passed on it is proof lol)
-MHXX Alter (I need the actual MHX)
-Jeanne Casual
-Saber Lily Third Ascension
>Must Haves-Scathach
>Cu Chulainn>Saber Alter 2.0-Racing Nero and Jeanne
-Lancer Artoria
-Berserker Musashi/Musashi Saber
-Swimsuit Artoria and Mordred
-Nero Bride 2.0
And just to add a bit.
>Need announced-Illya (prisma or FSN)
-Literally anything Tsukihime
-Shirou 3.0/Archer 2,0
-St. Martha