Welcome back.
To start, some figures are expected to be hit with delays, so be ready to wait a bit more for the current figures to release. Marisa is one of the recently delayed releases. Its possible Shamrock might be delayed too since we've had no updates on him yet.
In figure news, Marisa will once again be delayed to May as mentioned by Daibadi themselves as they are fixing some issues on her final production model. More info on Torin has been released by Daibadi themselves. He is finishing up her final model and has finally shown the new Gun Hands that was mentioned a while back. Each hand will have gun barrels at the fingertips and she has an updated bow for the back of her skirt. No other info has been given for other releases at this time. If no delays occur, we will hopefully get Shamrock by the end of this month.
As always, here is the assistance e-mail for those who need it, so if any problem should arise, feel free to contact them over at "user_support@mile-
stone.jp" or the shop you purchased the figure from.]
Here's the discord link:
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