So! After two days of procrastinating, here's Barbie's token mail order bride Kira! I got her Pearl Beach doll for under $20 on eBay. She's cute, I love her swimsuit, her hair is super smooth, and she was an impulse buy after having a bad week. Helps that I had PB Barbie as a kid, so nostalgia played a part in it. She also had clear straps to keep her "girls" in place, but they've long disintegrated to age, not that it matters. For some reason, Babs and Kira's swimsuit designs are switched up on the back of the box, although the "clothing may vary" is sometimes expected anyway.
>>9221435>>9221846>>9222056Thank you all so much! She was one of two Skippers in a lot I recently bought and their animu eyes won me over. And remember, with rerooting, less is more!
>>9227351Congrats, Anon! She looks so sweet and I love her doe eyes!