>>6187158This. I've gone back to collecting the 90's POTF2 figures because most of the new Star Wars figures are in stagnant standing up straight with their hands and their sides poses. That's fine for say, a happy meal toy, but for something I get from a company like Hasbro, I expect it to at least have a little bit of dynamic posing, even at only 5 poa.
But on the other end of the spectrum, I hate when the pose is too dynamic and only looks good in like, one or two positions. I also hate Y-cut hips.
>was going to use McD's Power Rangers figures from 1995, but they are still pretty dynamic for 5POA figures>was going to use Burger King's Universal Monster figures, but same problem>saw an image of ReAction Universal Monsters in that search, and they were a good exampleWhat's the world coming to when modern toys pale in comparison to old fast food kids meal toys?