>>11293201>>11293326What? Focusing on lego saved me
Hear my story:
>be me 20 year old loser>smoke 5 packs a day>drunk alcohol every day>fuck hookers every friday>one day I come here, to this board, via /tv/>see lego gen>see lego fans have fun>say man I liked lego as a kid>look at all cool sets now>decide fuck it, buy a hidden side set (the boat)>mfw its fun>want more>too expensive>decide to quit smoking>save up more cash>then stop drinking*start to gain weight, too much food*
>decide to go to gym and save up cash for lego by not eating a lot>stop fuking hookers, meet a noce girl, broke up later>still buy lego>now have over 390 sets>mfw I am more healthy now and smarterOnly thing I need is a new gf but I date someone now
I also have my own home thanks to inheritance. Also, I do work from home in IT. You and I are not the same.
And btw, I work in cybersecurity if so you asked!