>>5777239>>5777555>>5777626Literally the easiest effect! Basically had a fire in a portable barbecue thing, burned roughly about a dictionary sized stack of paper like bills and stuff I needed to shred. Waited till the ashes cooled a bit and mashed and stirred the ashes until they were fine.
So first thing I did was the attached shot last night, so set up my camera on a tripod, and got my misses to hold the button down on continuous shot mode. At the same time a ton of pictures were taken, I was flinging the burning ash everywhere, didn't even realise sparks and shit would come out lol.
Anyway, after I got my shots I just dumped the rest of the ashes all over the scene. The next morning I set up the figures in the next scene, running etc. Put camera on tripod and continuous shot mode again - but this time just blew the ash towards the figure as the continuous shots go off, blow about 5 times while the photos were being taken and then looked through and chose the best shots to keep.. Wow that was a mouthful!