>>8696565>>8696572>He is a 45 year old man who has been married for 23 years with 5 children going through college>And yet here he is on a Filipino voodoo doll forum for plastic figurines getting his panties in a bunch over guys who like chubby girls and miniature representations thereof, pulling a THINK OF THE CHILDREN on a website for 18s and overNigger, this is beyond weak bait. This is bait so weak that it somehow circles all the way back to good bait by virtue of the sheer revulsion I am experiencing from how fucking atrocious it is. Like, you sure got a reply, but not for the reason you were anticipating. I'm actually a little disappointed, both in you for creating such an utterly transparent attempt at trolling and myself for replying to it. I don't know who you are or why you do this, but I want you to know that you bring great shame upon yourself and your entire family/three-letter agency. Oh yeah, and if this is fedposting? Fuck, nigger, you guys really need to step up your game. You're making the half-dead puppet you fraudulently plonked into office look like Groucho Marx in comparison. In fact I think Groucho Marx himself could be given a computer now and produce better bait, which is impressive given he's dead and predated the internet by several decades. Assuming this isn't a dodgy attempt by glow-in-the-darks to pull a psy-op (on /toy/ of all boards) then oh shit nigger what are you doing? Is this funny to you? Is this how you think people converse on 4chan? Do you seriously think any respectable individual who knew what /toy/ was would actually post that? And why, of ALL the boards you could come to in an attempt to stir up shit, would you do it on the slow board about TOYS? Like fuck me sideways this is beyond "How do you do fellow kids" this is like a DMT demon accidentally got summoned into 3 dimensional space and is attempting to communicate with people who aren't out of their skull on psychadelics. Except instead of horrific, it's pathetic.