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Sooooo, here it is. The primer has finally cured, and I tried my hand on my first tank. As I mentioned before, it's a 1/72 Revell Leopard 2A5 KWS, but it came with the 2A4 turret. I did a whole lot of modifications, etc...
Anyways, the day one of basecoating is done in most of the tank except the turret and the sides of the tank.
The brush was a fucking mess because it's just a fifty cents brush, but hey, it gave me a smooth experience so far. As you can see, from the top view, the rear end is not covered up that much just yet. I'm gonna work on it tomorrow since I'm growing hungry and I gotta work soon.
There are some spots that are in need of paint (Between the front light and the fender on the right of the photo) so I'm gonna cover them up later.
Here's my products:
>Rustoleum Grey Primer
>Vallejo Model Color - Iraqi Sand
>Shitty 50 cent flat brush number 10
If you ever try to work with a brush on a tank, please do yourself a favor and get a flat brush. It'll save your life from the worst. (I'm saying this because there's a Youtuber that prefers airbrush over paintbrush, and the guy made a comparison between both by painting with a goddamn round brush over a flat surface)