've reached the end of my planned notes from when I started, but hopefully I've delivered some good fapfuel and a decent story so far. This is about as lewd as Chapter 10 and features Ayane kinda mindbreaking herself, so make sure you've put parental controls on your Stylet's web browser or else she might get ideas.
I think from here I'm inclined to have the girls enter a summer tournament, probably with two-man teams with substitutions so that they can go through matches in different pairs. Other than that, I have a vague idea of where I want to go, but not how to get there, and I'm not sure how big I should make the story's scope along the way. I'll be trying to whip up another batch of notes before I continue, so if you have things you want to see or tiny robot girls you want to see fought, lewded, or both, now's the time to ask.