>>8355512Sorry, but there's 234098234089 Spidermans and considering how inappropriate that body is for the Ultimate Spidermans, guess what?
Easy to mistake it for an adult male Spiderman.
See pic on how teens look vs adults even in the comics.
>Do they live in your head rent free or something?How sensitive. What's wrong with making a comparison, especially when it's a clear cut example of how not to sculpt a teenager? Stop being triggered like a little baby about toys, asspie.
>Seriously dude you sound like you stopped paying attention after like 2010.LOL, Miles didn't even exist until after 2010.
Fucking moviecasual.
Nevermind 616 and Ultimate Peter Parkers were small for their age. MAybe in your moviecasual mind, you thought that they all grew HUEG like Tobey McGuire after being bitten, but not in the comics. And he grew up into an average height male, with McFarlane and Bagley accentuating his litheness.
Ultimate Spiderman only aged like a single year in all his comics' run and he was drawn by Bagley as well.
Pretty poor sculpt.