>>5245205> Medicom's MAFEX Vader looked fucking appallingly terrible in press photos and honestly the end product could have been better but it ended up being the best 6-inch vader of any toy line we've has offered to us so far. >it ended up being the best 6-inch vader>believing this isn't appallingly terriblesure is nutso
No wonder you believe this
>I don't mind too much seeing as everyone in the 70's and early 80's were fairly lanky-looking anyways. Still excited for it.It doesn't matter if people in the 70s wore tight clothing to make them look lanky, because Boba Fett wore bagging clothing under bulky armor that made him look like a stumpy manlet.
Fuck, i bet you preordered Mafex Darth Vader even though you thought he looked bad.