Office and armament for a Su-27 S (Trumpeter 1/72 Flanker B). My camera does not enjoy the white, that's for certain. Only decals for the instrument panels, but I doubt it'll be noticeable once I'm done cleaving the mould line off of the canopy. Also, five to eight decals per missile and a whole Su-27 load of them adds up to lots. Then again, a quick count of the third party decals I bought and if I bother with all the stencils included I have about 320 to go.
>>8552547Seems it's only quite recently that they went from good enough to flat out good. Their 1/72 Mi-24 is mostly in the former category for example, and that tooling's only a decade old. Then once they've improved, well, it takes some time for word to get around.
Speaking of, their new Flanker toolings are supposedly bloody great in both fit and accuracy, though a bit shallow in the details here and there (the Hind suffered form that too). Wrong variants for me though.