>>6051926I got the combiner standing on one leg with one arm attached. The new ports are good because the limbs have to do fuck all but stay put. All the moving bits, including rotation and the joints are all on Ironshell's combiner pegs. The limbs bots just lock things in place and don't handle any strain of the joints, so all TFC had to do was shit out the torso and the entire thing is stable as far as the connectors go. They did a great job on the ratchets on Ironshell to boot. I really like how much he beefs out for the torso. The legs and feet crate a lot of combiner thigh mass and the cannon section hides fold out flaps to significantly fill in the torso extension and secure it in place. The combiner legs can achieve greater than 90 degrees of bend thanks to how the limb bots were designed so that the mass is all in the front and nothing gets in the way.
I'm not fond of the silver bits on the chest getting in the way of the arms unless you fold them all the way up, how the cannons can't really get 90 degrees of rotation down in any mode but turtle, and the forearm assembly of the robot mode being loosey goosey in how they don't secure and instead have a little give to them so you can flip the robot hands in and out. The shoulder's outward movement may be impeded depending on what bot is the arm.
It looks like Big Bite and Death Claw will be the best arms since they don't create an obvious gap. Deathclaw looks like the best stand alone too.