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I've been ruminating about what I think is wrong with the Netflix She-Ra reboot.
>The show has very little if anything to do with the original and just sort of uses the same names and some concepts solely to capitalize on nostalgia from Masters of the Universe and She-Ra fans. On it's own merits with none of the connections or names of MOTU characters the show would have never have been able to be made. The show needed the name "She-Ra" in order to sell.
>Fans of the original are told to fuck-off and that the show isn't for them, despite being marketed on nostalgia aimed directly at them, otherwise why bother making a She-Ra reboot in the first place-- they want their money and viewership while also telling them that THEY'RE NOT THE AUDIENCE THEY WANT.
>people marketing the show also shit on the original saying how shitty it was and that the new show is making something better
>The show is also defended as being for little girls, despite that it's explicitly marketed and geared solely toward childless adult lesbian women who hate their bodies. And to this end, the reboot revolves entirely around sexuality and sex, explicitly pushing lesbian ships while at the same time the people marketing the show attack fans, telling them(MEN) to stop sexualizing She-Ra, because she's not meant for them(MEN)! Meanwhile the showrunner in charge, Noelle Stevenson, just so happens to be a lesbian's who's gay married in real life and has written posts online about how she hates men.