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I've been thinking of getting a "blank" 1/12 female body for dressing up & whatnot. Heavily leaning towards Figma Chiaki, specifically the sweater version. I like her more mature look as opposed to the typical schoolgirl moe look. But the cheapest I can find her is for $90 shipped. The swimsuit version is not much better at $60 shipped. So before I invest so much into a 1/12 doll, I have a few questions...
>Is the swimsuit version's top removable?
>Are there 3rd party alternate torso parts for Figmas like there are for Megami Device/Frame Arms?
>Has anyone attempted to blush a Figma body or attempted to paint Chiaki's panties?
If you can't tell, I really want a good nude body. I like Chiaki's face & body. Plus I trust the Figma brand for quality over some unknown Chinese manufacturer. But Chiaki's not fully nude and for the price she's currently going for, I'm wondering if I should pay the rape prices for a Hon blank body & a separate head.
Ya knoe, this process would be alot easier for me if shipping from Japan were at pre-covid rates.