>>9783861>Impactor (legacy wreckers)>Springer (legacy wreckers)>Leadfoot (legacy wreckers)>Twintwist (legacy wreckers)>Bulkhead (legacy wreckers)>Masterdominus/Spindle combo (legacy wreckers)>Inferno (Kingdom Wave 2)>Sargent Kup (SS86)>Roadbuster (thrilling 30)>Minerva (legacy exclusive) (she might come out before this set does)>Rotorstorm (WFC gen selects)And I’ll probably just throw in a load of other dudes who aren’t in it into it just for fun
Hesitant on getting whril though since Hasbro might upgrade the T30 next year seeing as he’s on the packaging and given historical trends for transformers, that means he’s essentially guaranteed a figure down the line