>>7850511I built him once, but I have a really fond memory of him. I thought he'd look goofy, but he's anything but. He's pretty fucking big for 2003 standards, and quite creepy with those sharp teeth and beady eyes. I'd argue he was of the series's most menacing looking villains up until that point, along with the Bahrag.
He's obviously more bestial than Teridax's default form, but still looks like something he could turn into to fuck with the Toa or simply to go full melee combat. Notice how the lower section actually resembles the 03 Makuta set.
Pictures really don't do him justice. It's really one of those builds you need to have in hand and get a 3D view of to fully appreciate it.
I'm kind of bummed he got partly retconned into being the set form of an Ash Bear. I wish the Mask of Light arc hadn't been so infantilized by the movie, because maybe Greg would've found a way to slip Makuta Nui somewhere.