>>11288515>"Not much mental gymnastics" in the purchase of 400 dollars of plastic toys>MFWThat's the cost of a properly nice weekend away, and greater than the cost of a lot of other worthwhile things and activities. Engaging in your hobbies isn't bad but anything over 100 dollars shouldn't be something you're talking yourself into buying through mental hoops its something you should be acknowledging the expense involved with and be budgeting for and saving up for in full acknowledgement of the "which" decision you're making between the 400 dollar toy playset and other things in life (including other 100+ dollar plastic playsets. That kinda talking yourself into it mentality is for small sets "I came to Target for actual shit but hey this polybag/small set is calling to me fuck it I'll take it home too" kinda stuff.
Your mentality is fucking retarded. I bet you haven't bought fresh sheets for your bed in 10 years but you impulse bought 400 dollars worth of plastic.