>>6308375Here's a rough overview of my design workflow:
>Draw a Front, Side, and Back view of the subject (or use 3D models if available)>Break up and trace the individual parts. Figuring out where seamlines go is fairly intuitive after you've sewn a few projects. >Calculate things like circumference and total length of the parts, and modify the pieces accordingly. This article covers it a lot better than I ever couldhttp://diffeomorphism.deviantart.com/art/A-Geometric-Approach-to-Making-Plushie-Patterns-441119445>Modify the pieces as necessary to account for fabric stretch (for Shannon brand Minky I narrow the parts horrizontally by 30%, assuming the pile direction is vertical). If you don't firmly stuff your plushies, this may not be necessary. >Pattern test>Pattern test>Pattern test>Pattern test>Decide I need to move on with my life and call the latest pattern test done>>6310442I never got the point of novelty/collectible erasers. It they're too cool, I don't want to use them and wear them out.