>>11299631>So are model trains. Most HO carriages are actually 1/100 instead of 1/87 scale because otherwise they wouldn't be able to get around curves which have way smaller radiuses than IRL.Lol, "most". That was the case at least 30 years ago and is very visible (picrel from that thread
https://lereseaudepsx.e-monsite.com/pages/petite-lecon-de-chemin-de-fer/ho-et-1-100.html, you basically can't find that in the modern production, unless you explicitly search for it or go into the hobby or toy (so not model, huh) segment
Meanwhile Lego's proportions are all over the place, have no details, random colors, have fucking studs (like in reality of course), the minfigs don't look like humans, you can't remotely call that a model.