Quoted By:
Not OP, just leaking some bigger and better stuff.
>Pic related is a Roar Attack Kentrosaurus prototype. Sculpt should be final but colors could vary.
Rest of post unrelated to pic but related to Mattel's toys.
>Upcoming electronic assortment called "Uncaged", an interactive line focused on Dominion species.
>DNA scan tags for the Jurassic World Facts app are changing. Starting next year they will be located inside the dinosaur and pop out like a disc tray. Most dinosaurs will have this tag located on their backs.
>Regarding Mattel's Scorpius Rex, it underwent a few sculptural changes, including going back and forth on head quills, and fell a little off model as it was simplified for a toy.
And on a final note unrelated to toys: Universal figured out who is behind the animatronic leak and is considering legal action.
That's all for now unless OP decides to step up their game!