>>7357567I keep a single copy of regular treasure hunts in their cards, and those in a big bag. I am thinking that in the case of needing some money, I'll sell it at a reasonable price for collectors. Card condition does not count since in this country most of these are all dumped into large bins to begin with so you can't find pristine ones anywhere. Super treasure hunts I keep in their separate box, unopened, at lest for now.
Regular ones and treasure hunts I already have I open up for enjoyment and handling, and I have all kinds of ghetto boxes for them. The hot wheels one car boxes are ok, but too expensive honestly. Sky is the limit on storing them, and it all depends on if you want to keep them in your cards or just open them up. I recommend ghettorigging some small plastic compartments and whatnot for storage, the ones used for nuts and bolts and electrical parts.
But if you find these for a good price, you can rig them up in a pattern and screw them to a wall for double storage, which I will do some day, in a set of 5,3,3,3,3,3 and so on, ending in 5 again. Here is a shitty drawing on what I mean