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I'm finally in a financially stable position where I can actually set aside money to create a layout but now I'm not so sure. I've got a project car to work on too, but I want some kinda model railroad.
I posted here in the past expressing interesting in building either an Sn2 or On2 scale micro layout featuring electric, and gasoline motive power inspired by various traction railways and Junior Yamachi's work on an older forum (I can't remember the name of). Picrel is a random Sn2 locomotive I found. The benefit would be the scale allows really tight curves and if done right could have a fairly compact layout with decent operations... or explore microlayouts.
The other idea is building an N scale railroad. For the longest time I'd been enamoured by N scale Appalachian model railroads with like ~18-30 car coal drags, preferably set in the 50s with early diesel traction. But this seems a bit less financial sound and would require much more space.
Any thoughts on pros/cons of these?