>>7806083>>7806085>PreviouslyThe Wild Watch have successfully thwarted Dr. Animo's plans to take over their home. only for him to have inadvertently summon Hino Majin, previously sealed inside the Chaos Crystal of Fire. Using the best of their abilities and "jungle technology", the Wild Watch are only barely able to douse the fires left by Hino Majin and the nearby volcano's lava.
Knuckles arrives just in time to use the crystal's power to give everyone fire shields. This allows everyone to tackle Hino Majin whom keeps absorbing their shields, but one of them gets close enough to poke the crystal at him. He is resealed again, but now the jungle is mostly burnt down. Knuckles reveals that he's guardian of the crystals and is on a quest to get them back. In the meantime, he knows where the rest of the crystals are but helps them rebuild first.
>NowThe Scare Crew reemerge from the shadows and setup a base near Halloween Town. They start stealing souls from the nearby town to further power the Kaos Crystal of Darkness to cover the entire world in darkness again. Jack Skelllington attempts to fight back but is completely outnumbered. He is able to escape into the upper world and asks for help from the only team known to have defeated them before