>>8268199>What would you guys recommend for practicing basic skills, and what's the best way to do it cheaply? 1. Go to a dollar store and buy a box of 200 disposable white plastic spoons
2. Go to a hobby store, buy an X-acto knife, a cheap side cutter, cheap sanding stick set, 2 cans of gray hobby primer, a set of cheap brushes, 10 jars of acrylic water-based paint (whichever colors you like) and a jar of plastic cement. All of that should cost you under $100. Those are all the practice materials you will need.
3. Take 2 spoons, cut their handles off, put the halves together to form an ovoid shape, use cement to glue the halves together seamlessly. 4. Wait for the cement to dry, trim the excess plastic with the side cutter and the knife. Use sanding sticks to remove any imperfections until you have a perfect plastic ovoid without visible seams.
5. Wash the ovoid in soapy water and leave to dry.
5. Spray the primer from a can to completely cover the ovoid in a uniform gray coat. Let dry for 24hr. Use sanding sticks to remove any imperfections that became visible.
6. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until the perfection is achieved.
7. Use the brushes and the water-based acrylic paints to paint the ovoid a-la Fabergé.
8. Repeat steps 3 thru 7 until you have used all the spoons.