>>8599374>attractive, but because she needs someone to talk to about some issue, you wouldn't want to lay the pipe if your relatinoship with her grew?Yes, I don’t want to put mine in crazy.
(I define what is crazy)
I generally don’t do ANYTHING that will make them I am interested in them.
I don’t know, for some reason, I am afraid they are not interested in me and end up make fun of me.
So I always appear rude, uninterested and off.
I just tease them, and make fun of them, or make them laugh, but I treat them as a friend.
Oh and a normal friend, I won’t call them, or try to “hang with you them” (hate being friend zoned)
The few times they actually ASKED ME, or hinted me, I froze and fucked up.
I suspect my peepee dysphoria have a role in it, as it seems like I am sabotaging EVERYTHING from going further
It’s 5.5*5.5 absolutely above average, but I have UNUSUAL fear
I think I am a legit fucked in that aspect
In a lot of ways, I am blessed