>>9076691>>9093135>>9105287>>9112234>>9112604So I've never done customs anything before so I wanted to try and do this as cheaply as possible because I doubt I'd have done it perfectly. Left is the Black Series Han head on the Audition Marty body. I figure if they ever released the 50's leather Marty he'd be roughly the same size. Black series head fit right into the peg perfectly but the head seems really big to me. Though Martys clothes are closer to Adams than the Stan body to the right. Had to whittle the ball joint down a good bit on Stans b ody for the head to fit. Not perfect but he can look left and right, look down, but looking up too far makes his head pop off. There were different colors to the clothes you could wear in the game so a dark blue jacket, grey pants, and black shoes were possible.
What do you guys think? Head doesn't look right on Martys body to me but if some think otherwise maybe I'll rethink it. Stans body looks better and while not perfect for being a cheap part swap I'm ok with it. Nothing as extensive as some of your projects but as a side thing I wanted to do I like it. Maybe if something cheap and better looking pops up later I'll try that. Oh and I gave Stan Lee my Tony suit body since I want to use that head for the upcoming Mk 3.