>>9329801>Best of all most of the SHF collectors in this thread have all reiterated that Tamashii only seem to put effort into one or two specific lines within the brand You mean like
>>9329561>What’s funny is that people who collect Bandai know damn well they half-ass their non Kamen Rider or Dragin Ball stuff as far as fighters, but will defend them for free when their failings in other lines are pointed out. ?
>Bandai fanboy whiteknighting the honourisn't that what you're doing? Crying that i'm somehow unfair, despite knowing next to nothing about anything i criticize outside of my posts about Figuarts?
I used to link to my own posts in other threads, btw, showing how i have criticized X, yet got ignored and never remembered (because criticizing X gets no drama because X doesn't have crybaby fanboys who lose their shit over criticism), because you actually don't give a shit, hence:
>b-b-but you need to denounce all other lines RIGHT NOW or else you're a meanie troll!fanboy bullshit to derail threads and change the topic to defend your favorite brand.
>I’ve had nine goddamn years of your horseshit on this boardquite a long time to hold a grudge against someone who doesn't like the same toys as you
>I genuinely hope you drop dead ASAP.sure is sociopathic autism
>you keep recycling the same handful of images of releases You'd have a point if the images were just of the first year or two of awful releases, yet the examples span over a decade of the same mistakes over and over and over and isn't even relegated to only the so called "B and C teams" that Bandai fanboys talk about in their safe space generals. Stuff like that beetle figure i posted earlier is a clear example the pin-head problem that a lot of their toys suffer from, and that's supposedly from the "A team" line.
Should be clear that Bandai has no teams like that, instead have a limited pool of sculptors who are handed jobs and some sculptors are given jobs that doesn't suit their style.