>>9993531They've re-issued him multiple times, but the last two times now(including the one in the current set) they left off the toes on the Foot Soldier emblem on his forehead. I've been calling him a Shoe Soldier because of it.
>>9993488I forgot to get to your Mike question-- it's a long story. I originally bought the re-issue Turtles while ordering a Storage Shell Michelangelo off of Facebook Marketplace with the idea that I fill out the other 3 Turtles with those re-issues, only for the guy to drag ass getting back to me, and when he did he said he had been on vacation, which was fine, but said that he accidentally had the Mikey figure listed on the Marketplace, but that he had already sold it previously to my even buying it. So, then he offered me a Storage Shell Leo that he had for sale(which he wanted more for than the Mikey), which I ended up purchasing since I needed one, but he then waited two days to confirm my payment with paypal and then sent me a tracking number, but never mailed it. I'm actually still waiting on him to mail it out. The guy's been dragging ass(almost 2 weeks now), because the Marketplace ad gives him until the 28th to mail it to me. In the time in between back when I thought I had a Michelangelo coming I also decided to pick up a Storage Shell Don, and then a guy offered me a Storage Shell Raph at a decent price. So, now I have 2 of the figures(the other two figures have arrived), while Leo is in limbo while I wait on this seller who keeps taking forever. I'm still scoping out for a Mikey, but will probably take a break on him since I'm likely buying a complete in box vehicle that I'm going to take pics of when it arrives, but it's gonna cost much.