>>9609213Lurk more. People rightfully give him shit because more often than not he reviews stuff he has no idea the source material for. Then when people correct him about stuff he gets wrong he throws DSP-tier tantrums in replies and strokes his own ego about how "successful" he is when most of his customs are shit. That's of course when he's not droning on in a voice that would give Peaugh a run for his money in how bored of everything he sounds. Let's also not forget when he tries shilling for any company he can try for by deleting any negative reviews he's made in the past of their products and act as if they never existed while going back on anything he said in newer reviews until he inevitably gives up and starts shitting on them again when companies aren't giving him free figures. Storm Collectibles and McFarlane being the two easiest examples to point towards in this.
Guy has legit issues and more likely than not is heavily on the spectrum somewhere.