>>9042523I am a collector and a builder. (also part time pro armature RC racer) Gundam is a hobby about building them to your personal taste. And I personally prefer the toyetic look of them by doing as bare minimum to the model as possible, including only using decal stickers for the eyes and nothing else. I continue to post to inspire others like myself who simply don't care about putting 100 hours into a single build. I also continue to post because its funny watching you get triggered because muh elitist hobby. Ironically, I've picked up gundam because it's cheaper than lego now. Even the master grades and perfect grade kits are cheaper than some lego sets if you compare part count. I am going to buy a couple PGs when I know I'll have the time and space to build them, just not right now. And I can't wait to see your autism when I post my nub covered perfect grades. I intend to play with my gundam, I pose them, I make them punch each other while making sound effects, and I'm having a blast seeing all the tiny details hidden inside the models as I build them. Gundam is for everyone. Gate keeping will not work, especially with the live action movie coming, this hobby is going to see an explosion in traffic, even if it doesn't stick around very long, it will be a fun ride to be a part of. Especially watching autists like you lose your shit over people playing with their toys.