>>8499156Dude, you need to chill. You say you can't justify spending $300 burgs on a figure after spending 2k on several in a week. Then you say you want the kingdom one because it's cheaper. That's the start of hoarder mentality. You get few things you really want then justify why you are spending less on more things you aren't as happy with. Soon your room will look like those guys who have one or two Hot Toys or Sentinel figures, then tons of hasbro/mattel ones lining shelves in static neutral poses because they were cheaper and from a nostalgic brand.
Toys are a luxury, not a necessity. You will be much happier if you get figures because you really want them rather than settling. If you are financially comfortable to blow 2000 screaming eagles on a fucking whim, you can definitely hold off enough to spend more a toy that's supposedly "all I would’ve wanted as a kid." Even then you have options to get them cheaper. Ask in the generals about importing, second hand sales, or KOs while you're saving up so you can maybe get it cheaper. Hell ask them if it has what you want, like articulation or certain accessories. I've been down that road of getting something expensive because it looks good and was a favorite design, but had a glaring flaw that I would never accept on any other figure. It always left me more disappointed than FOMO ever did.
Point is buy toys because you like them. If you like how the Kingdom figures look moreso than the NPs, then go for them. If the MPs are what you want and truly desire, then fucking get those. If you like both, then get both. But don't let uninformed impulses turn you from a collector into a shelver.