>>11034620Next up is the one you guys are most likely actually interested in - Cheetah. First thing's first, this is only half of what you need for the combined robot - the other half, Gazelle, hasn't been released yet. You CAN make a robot by combining two Cheetahs (more on that in a bit), but not the exact one from the pictures.
Anyway, Cheetah is LONG - it's easily the biggest Box I have in my collection, and that's including the other two AMTS ones (Landbreaker Elite and Deep One Elite) I own. It looks pretty cool and has some nice tampos all over it; its six wheels roll along nicely (assuming you have everything lined up correctly), and it comes with a little driver. On the note of the little guy, I'm actually fairly impressed at his articulation - he's a bit shorter than a HeadMaster/TitanMaster/PrimeMaster from Transformers (coming up to about where the screw-hole in their chest tends to be, which incidentally means he's about hte correct scale for interacting with those particular figures in alt mode), yet they managed to give him an ab crunch, moving arms and legs (which are separate rather than a single piece), and bending knees (no elbows or rotating head, sadly). he fits in cheetah's driver's seat when its transformed correctly (the head is supposed to pull back and sit in the notch on the hump as seen in pic related, rather than tucking inside the driver's seat the way he was packaged to fit in the box).