>>9373344That's the rub, since its so dumb in the first place it seems not worth fighting. If they start forcing toy companies to have gender neutral toys to stay on shelves, then we'll have a problem. I don't mind Barbie and GI Joes on the same aisle, that's such a dumb thing to worry about. However when they start mandating there be a % of Kens and a % of Scarlets then that is the bad part.
(although, I guess from a Barbie and GI Joe fan perspective maybe they are wanting more of certain characters of the other gender that are usually ignored)
>>9372657Marbles up your butt, like Patrice O'Neal jokes about. But that said, I again think its more out of a few lawmakers trying to meet their mandated minimum requirements to keep their positions or
>>9372569 Complete clown world these days. That said, most people (like 95% of people) are completely indifferent to this kind of stuff or think its just as stupid as we do. Its the annoying vocal ones that get things done though because they have more time and to waste on dumb things like this.