>>8848972What...? I understood it as
>Inferno, with his head rightly on his shoulders>Grapple, with a black head gained from another Inferno>a poor Inferno with an orange Grapple head>he is now robbed of even this, as greedy Grapple and his owner give Grapple TWO heads for whatever sad, malevolent purposeA couple of ideas/suggestions, other than "give the poor boy a head":
>the box for his head thing can be flipped down for hiding his head in altmode - substitute or paint/sticker/etc the box to make a different character, somehow>print or find a head that can fit for the peg>see if you can get a titanmaster to fit snugly in the box, or even attach after some configuration>There's no reason to replicate something if I can already get a perfect one off-the-shelfYou are correct, but what about the poor second Inferno... wonder if you could at least use him as a drone or something at all. Red Hot somehow combines with him, and you give him some Titans Return headmaster and have some super robot..?
>>8848976>>8848992>https://www.lotteon.com/m/product/LM8804616946255?sitmNo=LM8804616946255_001&mall_no=9&dp_infw_cd=SCH%EC%98%A5%EC%8A%A4%ED%8F%AC%EB%93%9C>$30 USD/$35 CAD>heroic independence fighter Harbin KR-independence-related-word product displays the national liberation fighter An Jung-geun shooting Ito Hirobumi at Harbin station>450pcs, 43cm, etc>there's an entire Independence Army series>a generous 5-heroes minifigs set unlike Lego>Battle of Qingshanli>Korean Liberation Army Interim Government playset>no idea what any of this isIt's stuff I should read more about, I guess.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JhvvjEysHUPlugging something neat that Americans might recognize the tune of since may as well. But uh, let's get back to robots. I can talk about Korea or whatever else on >discord if people really want to complete their KLA diorama.
>>8558930I don't know how to feel about these NUMEROUS products ahahahaha