Tomorrow is the stock sale for Mythic Legions All-Stars 4 wave!
This is your last best shot at getting both Scaphoid and Tibius (along with the rest of the wave) at their original preorder retail price.
As All-Stars, this is also the last time they will possibly ever be reissued in a long time if ever again.
Sale starts at 11am EST time at: your cookies and cache to make sure you don't get older items from past orders popping up in your cart.
Log in 5-10 minutes before the sale starts.
They don't take paypal, so be sure you have a credit or debit card ready.
If you have a browser with card auto fill, I highly suggest you use it. That way it will fill everything in, and all you need to type in are the 3 numbers on the back.
At under a minute before the change of the hour, start refreshing the shop page.
They don't combine shipping orders, so If you quick buy a figure, then go back and get some others, so you'll have to pay shipping on both orders.
No word on what limits there will be, but I'd guess they wouldn't let you get more than 4 of each character for the first hour, if not 2 or just 1 of each.
Good hunting boneheads.