>>8642063that'd have to be a huge fucking retool to match the art used in the poster
the entire chest, head, shoulder pylons, calves, canon, forearms, canon mode sight, and hip accessories would have to be completely redone.
A lot of TR galvatron suffers from being a scaled down leader concept.
as a leader, he would have had a helmet that snapped on from behind rather than in front.
removing the chin strap.
But also his "hip armor" pieces actually sit BEHIND him in the TR concept, and was very obviously the rest of the circular band that attaches to the sights.
In the OG galvatron, and obviously reproduced in the Kingdom artwork, the hip pieces form the strange handles? on the back of the canon mode.
It's also important to note that TR's galvatron was HEAVILY based on the Takara artwork of Galvatron in G1, which was an extremely stylized version of the toy.