>>8223103The reason I stopped collecting them years ago. The same reason SHF mostly sucks now. Everything is low-effort Disneyshit and they don’t have to put the work in for the MCU/Star Wars crowd, they will just unquestioningly CONSOOM whatever $400 garbage the company produces for the latest Disney prod- I mean film.
Compare the latest figures to things like the Tech Noir T-800, the T-1000, some of the older Predator figures like Predator 2 Elder 2.0, Inglorious Basterds, etc. It’s laughable how poor and soulless the newer figures are by comparison, and for only 2-3x the price! The thing that annoys me the most by far has to be how they handle skin tone nowadays. Everything is just shades of brown to save money on paint mastering and manufacturing, making every single figure look like they’re heavily tanned. Compare the skin tones to stuff like the old Terminator figures and even though you could pick flaws with the likenesses, the skin tones are far more natural-looking. There also seemed to be a lot more texture in the old sculpts, a lot of the new ones are way too smooth-looking for my liking.