>>9656660Don't care for the Angel. They should've scrapped the helmet wings and shoulder plate for a waist cloth or purity seal. Togas, robes, and the like scream DA for me more than the little wings.
As for Chaos, it's pretty good overall but (and someone can correct me on this), this looks like the point where the company's unfamiliarity with the property is starting to show. If I think of generic "Chaos space marine," I imagine the head horns pointing upwards. The vast majority of CSMs I've seen have their horns pointing that way. Not saying that models with their horns pointing forward don't exist, but it isn't the norm (see this set for example:
https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/catalog/product/920x950/99120102098_CSMSquad01.jpg), and since this figure will be the standard CSM buck going forward, that's gonna be a problem.
Also hoping that the CSM will have ankle rocking. Toe hinge is a massive step forward, but it's gonna be incredulous as shit if they can implement that but not a functional ankle rocker in 2022.