please help me make more space. all prices listed include shipping to the CONUS.
Power Rangers Lightning Collection (no boxes but complete)
Dino Charge Red Ranger - $17
Dekamaster - $16
MMPR White Ranger - $17
2-pack MMPR Green Ranger - $17
Goldar - $22
Take all 5 for $75 shipped
Marvel Legends (no boxes but complete)
Retro Cyclops - $17
FFH suit Spider-Man - $15
Spider-Man 2099 (white suit) - $20
Endgame War Machine - $20
Colossus (Warlock wave, no BAF parts) - $22
Take all 5 for $80
D.Va (her main front hairpiece is a bit loose, came as such out of the box) - $50
Red Buster - $21
RyuuRanger - $23
Kamen Rider Lazer Level 3 - $50
feel free to email me for pics or questions, and thank you for your time.
[email protected]