>>8274629They are trying to erase the past by re-branding what Barbie stands for which is beauty and fashion.
As expected this years Holiday Barbie line wasn't even an attempt to do the Holiday Barbie line justice. This, and the forced Transgender World line was just another excuse to A push propaganda, and B) ruin another iconic traditional thing to the point of trying to retroactively ruin the original.
People brush it off as "What is Mattel thinking these days?/ The new people in charge of Mattel just don't get it", but this shit is on PURPOSE!
Would it honestly be so "out there" to think that Mattel knows perfectly well what would sell, and what would please the majority of the kids, and collectors, however that shit doesn't matter anymore. Losing money doesn't matter anymore. Because with each new piece of propaganda they gain a few new sjw's, and drive a ton of people away from an American institution that they once loved. It's win/win. Get it? This is Mao and the red youth 101.