>>10422799I'll never know why HasTak saw fit to equip this mathematician? Theoretician? Chaotician? With so many weapons. But it's cool
The big gun also splits into two smaller guns, like T30 Rattrap's does.
Skids' posability could use some work.
Ball jointed neck, hips and elbows are good enough. Though on this toy I think I would have preferred the hinge+ bicep swivel for the elbow.
Ankles are ball jointed but are cute so they only tilt outwards. Toes can move some too.
Swivels at the thighs and waist. and very stiff soft ratchets at the knees, the kind that feel like they might be tearing themselves apart.
The big thing that kills the articulation on this toy are the shoulders. They're ball jointed but aren't cut for any outward movement. So you get about 15 degrees to work with.
I will say that when you have all his weapons on enough weight seems to be shifted forward that he can stand easier