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First part of the series I have been working on, posting some of the content I have but still have more work planned. Sorry in advance if the orientation is off again but hopefully it isn't.
>year 2990
>Vesta Corporation CEO Jelon Molusk announce discovery of new crystal on world owned by a Vesta subsidiary
>crystal offers many potential breakthroughs in energy production, applications in other fields near limitless
>Vesta Stock price soars
>year 2992
>Vesta Corporation wins legal battle to keep coordinates of the crystal world a privately held corporate secret
>year 2993
>Vesta is beginning to dominate interstellar industry, stock price continues meteoric trend
>year 2994
>contract is posted to the dropboxes of select mercenary captains in the far fringe of known space, all of which specialize in aquatic operations
>initial details light. long term contract, high pay, high risk
>contract accepted by one Commander Elias A. Thresher
>contract brief calls for extended privateer operations on an unknown aquatic world. bonuses to be paid for collection of specific crystal specimens
>periodic delivery thereof to be made to smuggler rendevous craft
>contract stipulates utmost secrecy. strike force is to delay Vesta's confirmation of their presence for as long as possible
>year 2995
>Thresher's Sharks are ferried to Jelon Molusk's crystal planet aboard an unmarked transport ship
>force consists of Thresher's personal Seawolf Mk I Heavy Gunship, Quartermaster and XO Ned Shank's Catfish Dualrole electronic warfare and limited logistics craft
>squadron of predator attack ships, one of which with gunship refit and a spyshark recon craft
>team of 8 frogman commandos with light attack craft complement
>client's data brief provides location of a mining facility on a rock formation in the northern hemisphere of the planet's global ocean.
>Sharks strike force makes planetfall aboard specialized aquatic drop pods
>6 hours later, strike force underway to initial area of operations