>>10763276It's funny cause the two reasons you list to not like the figures are two of my favorite aspects. Their stiff weapons and dense plastic make these figures very solid and durable. At a time when more and more weapons are being made of soft gummy plastics, I'll take swords that can actually stab someone any day.
>>10763283Oh yea, no way do the Legions compare to the Synth, but few figures do.
And while I don't have my Vampire girl at hand...and she no longer has normal legs, I found a figure with the exact same build to use instead. I tried to match the pose as best as possible though without actually taking off any of her armor. The pauldrons can get in the way, but they're flexible enough on the 2.0 builds to bend slightly. Again, the biggest issues with the Legions is the 90 degree elbows/knees. Her knee is bent as far as it'll go, so if you're expecting more you'll be disappointed.
>>10763310Neca's D&D stuff has been pretty solid from what I've heard, and Diamond Select made those nice looking but barely articulate LotR figures.Xesray makes those fantastic Gladiators and they're branching out into actual fantasy beasts now while Joytoy and Boss Fight put out some nice Chinese and Eastern fantasy figures in the 1:18 scale. But the most comparable to Legions I've seen are the AWOK figures, which have more of the Sci-fantasy feel to em then pure medieval appeal and the upcoming Savage Crucible line. If any line will be direct competition to the Legions, it'll be them. But their characters so far all seem far too specific and very much in the realm of Fantasy where the 4H have been taking more of a real life approach to many of their upcoming figures.
Either way it's a good time to be a fantasy figure fan. We have *way* more options now then we did even ten years ago when "what's the best Knight figure" was a common thread on /toy/.