>joecustoms.com is known to ban users left & right for stupid reasons>they ban one, and know said former user is on /toy/>several forum members choose to harass and impersonate said member out of pure butthurt, including interfering with their BST sales>forum admin talks Jin into joining in>Jin comes up with some "he ignored me" excuse to justify it so he can pretend it' snot because he's part of some asshurt campaign>said individual told them to fuck off, they photoshopped an image but it was baby trolling at best because they're all too inept for the real thingAnd now you know the true story behind "muh advice. Although
>Jin has been known to be a piece of shit for years before this happenedBut fuck that forum and every user who frequents it. They're as nasty and mentally ill as pic related. #fdt