Zvezda plastic smells like shit.
was looking at instructions for the headlight and it's 3 pieces: the mount, the housing for the light, and the lens. ... but the lens is an opaque green piece that they're telling me to just fucking paint silver. which is retarded.
the HobbyBoss kit let me paint the light housing silver, then I glued a clear lens piece over that. is there any way to get clear plastic pieces, or scratchbuild something? I don't want to just paint the semi-circle piece silver, it's going to look like shit. I have the option of putting the headlight down so you can't see it, but I want it up if possible.
>>9361889aesthetically they may look cool but I love the rugged utilitarian nature of early tanks, from 1916 through 1945. there was so much visual variation, they hadn't pinned down optimal design facets regarding hull form, turrets, where to even put the main gun half the time. scale models of 5th/6th generation jets in a generation will all be the same, because jet design has basically been optimized as much as possible.