The set up fee is very cheap. Again, it's why Hasbro has been using it for so long AND including it with their normal spray masks.
It's basically a sticker that is then tampoed on.
Its very ugly and why you don't see even companies who care about their paint apps use it alone... or are you asking for Mattel to use it in conjunction with their spray masks? Because Mattel is cheap as fuck and will just use the printed face by itself and that's just ugly.
Creating a stencil for the spray masks costs more, since ever stencil will be unique for the figure/body and you need multiples of that vs just needing to print the application and tampoing it on.
Spray masks also involves different applications. For every color, it's a new stencil/tool. So the whites of hte eyes, the eyes themselves (maybe the eyebrows), lipstick, etc etc.
Print tech saves a lot of time, since its all in one.
It's very cheap, hence Hasbro using it for so long.