>>10465311>Your assertion was that boys don't want girl toys because they're girls. I wasn't even going that far as it's just more they don't sell for the line. I mean, there have been girl focused super hero toy lines and dolls and they all crashed hard too. Those DC Superhero Girl dolls live and died in the span of a year. Hell they were released back in 2016 and most of them barley go for double retail brand new.
>because girl toys usually suck. ESPECIALLY these days. No more than the guys. Joe Classified Scarlet had the best sculpt and paint of wave one but she was the one you could get at retail no issue, The first Classified Lady Jay was fantastic as well but again she got down under $5 on Amazon and is still cheap, of the Snake Eyes movie line Scarlett was the best face print of the bunch while the other three look horrid yet, again, deep discounted even more than the two ninja boys. Earthrise/86 Arcee sold worse than the very lazily made Allicon for ER and the horrid SS Crosshairs(seriously how do you make him worse than a 6+ yo toy?).
>I'm pretty sure she was reverse shortpacked.No more than most of that line in general, she wasn't like ER OP that got made/repacked 7 different times in 8 months, she was like Huffer and Tracks and showed up in revision waves later and those two boys are long gone now, love or hate it, girl figures in action/"boy" lines don't usually sell well.