>>6075152I doubt the flag will be added on really even back when everyone was speculating and before Gyro and Johnny were even shown by a text announcement. Medicos usually offers some accessory to human SAS so at the very least his revolver should/will be a thing next to a napkin with the date on it. They can do accessories but have very, very questionable choices like Pucci's hat. What will be expected is usually the head choices (and I know Valentine's hair will hinder articulation like Diavolo) and the way figures are rising in costs or price.
Unless Valentine is coming packed in some extravagant way maybe 8k can be a projected price but that's years down the line for now at this pace since villains are usually last on the line and who knows where Medicos will be at that point in time.
My only great fear for Medicos is implementing the WF only figures at smaller numbers than before (even for something as basic as a recolor with no changes in sculpt or addition of accessory.)
Though the biggest sin they committed to me before all of this was not including the Stone Mask for PB Dio. I swear whatever planning teams they may have must be separate if they have this sort of track record for accessories. The only SAS that floored me on accessories was Shinichi and we lose out double jointed arms.